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Summer Reading Challenge 2024

Dear students, welcome to the Summer Reading Challenge 2024!

Vacation is a great time to learn something new, and also to improve upon what your have already learnt. The Summer Reading Challenge 2024 aims to improve your reading and comprehension skills, and at the same time to keep you entertained with good quality reading material.

What you have to do?

You have to read at least 5 books during the summer vacation (that is, 1 book in about 10 days) and post book reviews online.

You can read the books listed in this page

Or you can read the books you already have at your home.

This site also contains a good collection of e-books:

Books for Classes 3-5

Books for Classes 6-8

Books for Classes 9-12

How to post the book reviews?

You have to post your book reviews in Padlet pages created for this purpose.

Here are the links to the Padlet pages where you have to post the book reviews:

For classes 3-5:

For classes 6-8:

For classes 9-12:

STEP 1: Go to the page that belongs to your class. Click on this plus sign.

A pop-up window will show up as shown below.

STEP 2: Use the button in the bottom left corner to select your class group.

STEP 3: Enter the name of the book on the top section (Blog title). Write your review in 5 to 10 sentences at the bottom section (Write your blog post here…). You can upload a cover of the book using the “Upload a file” option. You can also post a selfie with your book. Don’t forget to add your name and your class/section at the bottom of the review. Finally, click on the “Submit” button to submit the review.

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