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On This Day

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Important events of history that took place in India and elsewhere on today’s date.

On this day

27 July

🇮🇳 In India
1897 Bal Gangadhar Tilak was arrested for the first time. He was accused of writing poems and articles and giving speeches that stirred a revolt.
1939 Central Reserve Police Force (then known as Crown Representative's Police) was established.
1982 Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's first visit to the US in almost 11 years.
2015 The 11th President of India, Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam died in Shillong.
🌎 Elsewhere
1377 First example of quarantine in Rugusa (now Dubroknik, Croatia); city council passes law saying newcomers from plague affected areas must live in isolation for 30 days.
1663 The British Parliament passes a second Navigation Act, requiring all goods bound for the colonies be sent in British ships from British ports.
1866 Transatlantic telegraph cables, undersea cables running under the Atlantic Ocean used for telegraph communications, were brought into full operation after a successful connection was made for the first time.
1890 Dutch painter Vincent van Gogh shoots himself in Auvers-sur-Oise, dies of injuries 2 days later.
1909 Orville Wright sets a world record for staying aloft in an airplane for one hour, 12 minutes and 40 seconds.
1996 A pipe bomb exploded in Olympic Centennial Park in Atlanta, Georgia. It was the first terrorist attack at the Olympics since the 1972 Games in Munich, West Germany.
2012 Queen Elizabeth II opens the 30th Olympics in London, United Kingdom.

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