The library of Kendriya Vidyalaya Adoor is fully computerised with state of the art technology. Cataloguing, member registration, books issue and return – all technical processes of the library are done using eGranthalaya, a free library management software developed by a Library Management Software developed by National Informatics Centre, Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology, Government of India.
Library Statistics (As on 09/11/2020)
About books
- Total No. of books (as per Accession Register): 16516
- Total No. of books (after condemnation): 14745
- No. of Reference Books: 1666
- No. of Textbooks: 1076
- No. of books in English: 12381
- No. of books in Hindi: 2094
- No. of books classified as class libraries: 3788
- No. of Donated books: 637
About Newspapers and Periodicals
- No. of periodicals: 22
- No. of Newspapers: 6
Library users
- No. of users (students) (Shift 1+Shift 2): 721+752
- No. of users (teachers): 39+43
Pandemic situation
The pandemic situation was totally unforeseen. In this new circumstance the KV Adoor library has adapted by taking the following steps:
- The old library blog which was hosted in the free WordPress edition was found to be unsatisfactory in fulfilling the aims of the library. So the library blog was moved to a more versatile edition of WordPress which offered more interactivity and features. Now the library blog is able to offer the following:
– Interactive quizzes. New quizzes are regularly posted on the blog and the link shared with the students. the quizzes are very popular among the students.
– Students can submit their own books reviews/articles/poems online.
– There is an ebooks collection which students can open and read in the library blog itself. Copyright violations are avoided while posting ebooks.
– Students can log into the library blog and share their comments and suggestions.
The new library blog can be accessed here.
Library activities during COVID-19 pandemic
- Showing Power Point Presentations on topics like Knowing the library, Parts of a book, Tips to increase vocabulary, Google searching tips, Introduction to authors, etc.
- Posting quizzes on all important days
- Celebration of Reading Day: Two book talk videos of students and teachers were made.
– Book Talk by Students
– Book Talk by Teachers
– Reading day messages
A quiz on Books and Authors was posted in the library blog. - Celebration of International Literacy Day: A virtual book fair was organized by Scholastic Inc. Some competitions were organized for the students. the following is the brochure of the event.
- Another book fair and online competitions for students have been planned for the coming Book Week in November (November 14-20, 2020)
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