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Scouts and Guides Quiz



Scouts and Guides Quiz

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Scouts and Guides Quiz

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#1. What is the duration of the National Anthem of India?

#2. Who designed the National Flag of India?

#3. What is the ratio of the National Flag of India?

#4. The natives of Ashanti called BP “Kantankye”. What does it mean?

#5. Girl Guides (or Girl Scouts in some countries) were an offshoot of Scouting which was originally for boys only. Who was first asked by the founder of Scouting to develop a similar program for girls?

#6. Who composed the National Anthem of India?

#7. From whom did BP learn the practice of “left hand shake”?

There are two stories about the origin of the left handshake in Scouting. The first is simply that the left hand is closest to the heart. But there is also a much more interesting story, which comes from the Ashanti tribe itself.

When B-P entered the Kumasi, the capital city of the Ashanti, he was greeted by a warrior chief who held out his left hand. He told B-P “the bravest of the brave shake with the left hand.” So began the left handshake which is used by millions of Scouts all over the world.

The explanation of the left handshake is that a warrior uses the left hand to hold the shield, while the right hand holds the spears. So to show your trust in someone, you put down the shield and greet them by holding out your left hand.

#8. Who is the founder of Scouting/Guiding movement?

#9. When did guiding begin in India?

#10. What is the full name of Baden-Powell?

#11. What is the duration of Scout and Guide Flag song?

#12. The African natives called BP “Impessa”, which means

#13. What is the Scout/Guide handshake?

#14. Who composed the Scout and Guide Flag Song?

#15. Who is the only person ever to have been World Chief Guide?

#16. What is the duration of the Scout and Guide prayer song?

#17. On which day is Foundation day of Bharat Scouts and Guides observed?

#18. Who composed the Scout and Guide prayer song?

#19. Nickname of Baden-Powell is

#20. When did the scouting movement start in India?

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    • Tania Bhattacharya

      I love guiding ,my name is Tania Bhattacharya. Annapurna Guide Group I am so happy,this is very nice quiz..

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