What would you be expected to do when you choose a particular career?
Well, here are some job descriptions of careers ranging from Academic Librarian to Youth Worker.
- Academic librarian
- Accountant
- Accounting technician
- Actuary
- Adult nurse
- Advertising account executive
- Advertising account planner
- Advertising copywriter
- Advice worker
- Advocate (Scotland)
- Aeronautical engineer
- Agricultural consultant
- Agricultural manager
- Aid worker/humanitarian worker
- Air traffic controller
- Airline cabin crew
- Amenity horticulturist
- Analytical chemist
- Animal nutritionist
- Animator
- Archaeologist
- Architect
- Architectural technologist
- Archivist
- Armed forces officer
- Aromatherapist
- Art therapist
- Arts administrator
- Auditor
- Automotive engineer
- Barrister
- Barrister’s clerk
- Bid manager
- Bilingual secretary
- Biomedical engineer
- Biomedical scientist
- Biotechnologist
- Border force officer
- Brand manager
- Broadcasting presenter
- Building control officer/surveyor
- Building services engineer
- Building surveyor
- Business analyst
- Camera operator
- Careers adviser (higher education)
- Careers adviser
- Careers consultant
- Cartographer
- Catering manager
- Charities administrator
- Charities fundraiser
- Chemical (process) engineer
- Child psychotherapist
- Children's nurse
- Chiropractor
- Civil engineer
- Civil Service administrator
- Clinical biochemist
- Clinical cytogeneticist
- Clinical microbiologist
- Clinical molecular geneticist
- Clinical research associate
- Clinical scientist – tissue typing
- Clothing and textile technologist
- Colour technologist
- Commercial airline pilot
- Commercial horticulturist
- Commercial/residential/rural surveyor
- Commissioning editor
- Commissioning engineer
- Commodity broker
- Communications engineer
- Community arts worker
- Community education officer
- Community worker
- Company secretary
- Computer sales support
- Computer scientist
- Conference organiser
- Consultant
- Consumer rights adviser
- Control and instrumentation engineer
- Corporate banker
- Corporate treasurer
- Counsellor
- Court reporter/verbatim reporter
- Credit analyst
- Crown Prosecution Service lawyer
- Crystallographer
- Curator
- Customs officer
- Cyber security specialist
- Dance movement psychotherapist
- Data analyst
- Data scientist
- Data visualisation analyst
- Database administrator
- Debt/finance adviser
- Dental hygienist
- Dentist
- Design engineer
- Design manager (construction)
- DevOps engineer
- Dietitian
- Diplomatic service
- Doctor (general practitioner, GP)
- Doctor (hospital)
- Dramatherapist
- Economist
- Editorial assistant
- Education administrator
- Electrical engineer
- Electronics engineer
- Employment advice worker
- Energy conservation officer
- Energy consultant
- Engineering geologist
- Environmental education officer
- Environmental health officer
- Environmental manager
- Environmental scientist
- Equal opportunities officer
- Equality and diversity officer
- Ergonomist
- Estate agent
- Estimator
- European Commission administrators
- Exhibition display designer
- Exhibition organiser
- Exploration geologist
- Facilities manager
- Field trials officer
- Financial manager
- Fire engineer
- Firefighter
- Fisheries enforcement officer
- Fitness centre manager
- Food scientist
- Food technologist
- Forensic scientist
- Freight forwarder
- Geneticist
- Geographical information systems manager
- Geomatics/land surveyor
- Government lawyer
- Government research officer
- Graphic designer
- Health and safety adviser
- Health and safety inspector
- Health promotion specialist
- Health service manager
- Health visitor
- Herbalist
- Heritage manager
- Higher education administrator
- Higher education advice worker
- Homeless support worker
- Horticultural consultant
- Hotel manager
- Housing adviser
- Human resources officer
- Hydrologist
- Illustrator
- Immigration officer
- Immunologist
- Industrial/product designer
- Information scientist
- Information systems manager
- Information technology/software trainers
- Insurance broker
- Insurance claims inspector
- Insurance risk surveyor
- Insurance underwriter
- Interpreter
- Investment analyst
- Investment banker – corporate finance
- Investment banker – operations
- Investment fund manager
- IT consultant
- IT support analyst
- Journalist
- Laboratory technician
- Land-based engineer
- Landscape architect
- Learning disability nurse
- Learning mentor
- Lecturer (adult education)
- Lecturer (further education)
- Lecturer (higher education)
- Legal executive
- Leisure centre manager
- Licensed conveyancer
- Local government administrator
- Local government lawyer
- Logistics/distribution manager
- Magazine features editor
- Magazine journalist
- Maintenance engineer
- Management accountant
- Manufacturing engineer
- Manufacturing machine operator
- Manufacturing toolmaker
- Marine scientist
- Market research analyst
- Market research executive
- Marketing assistant
- Marketing executive
- Marketing manager (direct)
- Marketing manager (social media)
- Materials engineer
- Materials specialist
- Mechanical engineer
- Media analyst
- Media buyer
- Media planner
- Medical physicist
- Medical representative
- Mental health nurse
- Metallurgist
- Meteorologist
- Microbiologist
- Midwife
- Mining engineer
- Mobile developer
- Multimedia programmer
- Multimedia specialists
- Museum education officer
- Museum/gallery exhibition officer
- Music therapist
- Nanoscientist
- Nature conservation officer
- Naval architect
- Network administrator
- Nurse
- Nutritional therapist
- Nutritionist
- Occupational therapist
- Oceanographer
- Office manager
- Operational researcher
- Orthoptist
- Outdoor pursuits manager
- Packaging technologist
- Paramedic
- Patent attorney
- Patent examiner
- Pension scheme manager
- Personal assistant
- Petroleum engineer
- Pharmacist
- Pharmacologist
- Pharmacovigilance officer
- Photographer
- Physiotherapist
- Picture researcher
- Planning and development surveyor
- Planning technician
- Plant breeder
- Police officer
- Political party agent
- Political researcher
- Practice nurse
- Press photographer
- Press sub-editor
- Prison officer
- Private music teacher
- Probation officer
- Product development scientist
- Production manager
- Programme researcher
- Project manager
- Psychologist (clinical)
- Psychologist (educational)
- Psychotherapist
- Public affairs consultant (lobbyist)
- Public affairs consultant (research)
- Public house manager
- Public librarian
- Public relations (PR) officer
- QA analyst
- Quality assurance manager
- Quantity surveyor
- Records manager
- Recruitment consultant
- Recycling officer
- Regulatory affairs officer
- Research chemist
- Research scientist
- Restaurant manager
- Retail banker
- Retail buyer
- Retail manager
- Retail merchandiser
- Retail pharmacist
- Sales executive
- Scene of crime officer
- Secretary
- Seismic interpreter
- Site engineer
- Site manager
- Social researcher
- Social worker
- Software developer
- Software engineer
- Soil scientist
- Solicitor
- Speech and language therapist
- Sports coach
- Sports development officer
- Sports therapist
- Statistician
- Stockbroker
- Structural engineer
- Systems analyst
- Systems developer
- Tax inspector
- Teacher (nursery/early years)
- Teacher (primary)
- Teacher (secondary)
- Teacher (special educational needs)
- Teaching/classroom assistant
- Technical author
- Technical sales engineer
- TEFL/TESL teacher
- Television production assistant
- Test automation developer
- Tour guide
- Tour operator
- Tour/holiday representative
- Tourism officer
- Tourist information manager
- Town and country planner
- Toxicologist
- Trade union official
- Trade union research officer
- Trader
- Trading standards officer
- Training and development officer
- Translator
- Transportation planner
- Travel agent
- TV/film/theatre set designer
- UX designer
- Validation engineer
- Veterinary nurse
- Veterinary surgeon
- Video game designer
- Video game developer
- Volunteer work organiser
- Warehouse manager
- Waste management officer
- Water conservation officer
- Water engineer
- Web designer
- Web developer
- Welfare rights adviser
- Writer
- Youth worker
Above info courtesy of https://targetjobs.co.uk/
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