Pick out the correct spelling using the given meaning of the word as clue.
Spelling Challenge Quiz #4
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Spelling Challenge Quiz #4
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#1. To spell a word wrongly. What's the word for that?
#2. Name of a food item and also a city in Northern Italy. How do you spell it?
#3. This is an edible green plant in the cabbage family. How do you spell it?
#4. A giant spark of electricity in the atmosphere between clouds, the air, or the ground. What is it called and what's the correct spelling?
#5. A senior military officer rank used in many countries. How is it spelled?
#6. An acute respiratory infection that affects the lungs. How is it spelled?
#7. Also called a dramatist.
#8. Very strange and unusual, unexpected, or not natural. Spell it.
#9. The feeling of being sick to your stomach. How do you spell the word for it?
#10. A square of cotton or other finely woven material intended for wiping one's nose. Spell it.
Views: Today 1 | Total 194