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Twilight Saga Quiz


Twilight Saga Quiz

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Twilight Saga Quiz

Brought to you by Kendriya Vidyalaya Adoor Library

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#1. What is Rosalie and Jaspers last name?

#2. In twilight who jumped off a cliff before they became a vampire

#3. Which Washington city do the characters live in?

#4. Who wrote the books that the Twilight movies are based on?

#5. What age was Bella when she last spent a summer in Forks?

#6. What is Jane's (of the Volturi) special talent?

#7. When Edward says "It's the safest time of day for us" what time is he talking about?

#8. Which Twilight book was split into two parts for the movie adaptation?

#9. Who was the first person to befriend Bella the first day?

#10. What is the name of Bella's daughter?

#11. How many adoptive brothers and sisters does Edward have?

#12. Which Cullen has the ability to read people's minds?

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