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Bookends Bookmarks


CBSE Curriculum
CBSE Curriculum for the Academic Year 2021-22

NCERT Textbooks
NCERT textbooks online. Access the new textbooks here.

NCERT Syllabus
NCERT Syllabus for all classes

Find colleges, courses and exams that are best for you.


Biography Online
An excellent source for finding information on people. Besides the biographical dictionary, it features lists like “100 people who changed the world”, “Women who changed the world”, etc.

Books and Authors

Fiction for Children at Goodreads
Children’s literature is for readers and listeners up to about age 12. It is often illustrated. The term is used in senses that sometimes exclude young-adult fiction, comic books, or other genres.

100 Best Children’s Books
An all-time list of classics compiled by TIME. You can also vote for your favourite book in a poll.

Career and Self-development

India’s largest scholarship web portal.

Exam Alert
Alerts you about forthcoming exams.

Job descriptions: A to Z of careers
This site provides you an alphabtical listing of hundreds of jobs and their job descriptions. A job description is a written narrative of the general tasks, or other related duties, and responsibilities of a position.

Job & Career Outlook
List of careers, describing the nature of the work, the work environment, the education requirements, and salary ranges.

Free Stuff

Project Gutenberg
Project Gutenberg is a library of over 60,000 free eBooks. Choose among free epub and Kindle eBooks, download them or read them online. You will find the world’s great literature here, with focus on older works for which U.S. copyright has expired. Thousands of volunteers digitized and diligently proofread the eBooks, for you to enjoy.

Wikimedia Commons
A good source for finding images in the public domain.

School Photo Project
A safe and friendly free stock photo site for students seeking images for school projects.

Beautiful, free images and photos that you can download and use for any project. Better than any royalty free or stock photos.

Download free vector icons and stickers for your projects. Resources made by and for designers. PNG, SVG, EPS, PSD and BASE 64 formats.

Ready-to-download vectors, photos, AI images, icons, videos, PSD templates.

Over 2.3 million+ high quality stock images, videos and music shared by our talented community.

DeviantArt is an American online art community featuring artwork, videography and photography subsidiary of the Israeli company Explore over 350 million pieces of art while connecting to fellow artists and art enthusiasts.

Download Free Vector Art, Stock Photos & Stock Videos. Professional quality creative resources to get your projects done faster.

Internet Archive
Digitized books from many different libraries from the Google Book Search program. These digital files have been downloaded from the Google site and uploaded to the Internet Archive by users.
Good collection of free and discounted bestsellers grouped in a helpful order of genres.

Fun Stuff

Speed Reading Test Online
Click on “Start” button and start reading. When you are finished, click on “Stop” button.

Geography and Travel

The 100 Most Beautiful Places in the World
From majestic waterfalls, and lost cities, to mysterious landmarks and natural wonders, here is a collection of pictures which is worth to be looked on.

Discovery Channel India
Watch your favorite Discovery Channel shows and find bonus content on all things science, technology, nature, and more.

Handy Tools

Google Transliteration Tool
To type in Hindi or any non-English language using English letters.

300 Excel Examples
Do you want to learn the basics of Microsoft Excel and more? Go through these Excel examples and become a pro.

Online PDF Converter
Easily convet to and from PDF in seconds.

Historical Times

This Day in History
Encyclopedia Britannica’s “On this day” page. Find out what happened in history on a particular day.

World History Timeline
Starting from 8000 BC, scroll through a comprehensive timeline of world history.

Infoplease World History
Check out the 100 Most Significant Events of the Last Thousand Years, an ancient history timeline, world history timelines and more.

Language Skills

हिन्दी व्याकरण
यहां हिन्दी व्याकरण से संबंधित सभी टॉपिक को छोटे-छोटे भागों में वर्गीकृत करके उदाहरण सहित समझाया गया है।

Thesaurus and word tools for your creative needs

Online grammar and spell checker for English texts.

Free grammar and spell checkers, eBooks, articles, tutorials, vocabulary games and more!

Librarian’s Bookmarks

Classify a book online
Classify, project of OCLC Research which allows assigning classification numbers and subject headings through a search interface.

Resources for School Libraries
A vast directory of helpful resources for school librarians.

The easiest way to add dynamic content in a site. With a simple copy/paste of short code snippets, place a useful widget anywhere on your website.

News and Current Affairs

Indian Newspapers Online
List of almost every online newspaper in India.
हिन्दी में समाचार

News Headlines
From Times of India online

Online Quiz

The Hindi e-Paper Daily Quiz
For the quiz enthusiasts, here is the link to the The Hindu e-paper Daily Quiz. The quiz is based on day to day news reports carried by The Hindu newspaper. The quiz is free for all users.

Trivia Questions 4 U
Trivia questions to test your knowledge of US history, geography, government, environment, etc.

Bookends General Knowledge Quiz
This General Knowledge Quiz displays 10 random questions from a huge database. So every time you attempt the quiz you are presented with a new set of questions.

Ready Reference

Simple English Wikipedia
Simplified version of Wikipedia for young adults.

W3 Schools
Well organized and easy to understand Web building tutorials with lots of examples of how to use HTML, CSS, JavaScript, SQL, Python, PHP, etc. This page is about displaying special characters using HTML5 entities.
Socio-economic statistical information about India.

Web Directory
List of links to all Kendriya Vidyalayas in KVS Ernakulam Region.

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