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Geronimo Stilton Quiz

Although her name is not mentioned in the books, Elisabetta Dami is the author and creater of Geronimo Stilton. She is an Italian children’s fiction writer. She was born in Milan, Italy. Her experience of helping sick children as a volunteer led to writing adventure stories featuring a mouse, Geronimo Stilton, as the protagonist. She has written more than 100 books and her most famous work is the Geronimo Stilton series. Her other books have Thea Stilton and the Thea Sisters as the main characters.

Since 2000, when the first story came out, 100 million copies have been sold in 150 countries and in 40 different languages.



Geronimo Stilton Quiz

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Geronimo Stilton Quiz

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#1. Who was the first one to tell Geronimo that he would be covering the Olympics for the newspaper?

#2. Geronimo has a little red pet fish. What is it called?

#3. What is the name of Geronimo Stilton's newspaper?

#4. How does Geronimo get sick?

#5. How well did Geronimo do with being a TV reporter?

#6. Who was elected leader on Treasure Island?

#7. How does Trap keep rat burglars and slimy sewer rats from his store, Cheap Junk for Less?

#8. What was the Emerald Eye?

#9. What is the first book in the Geronimo Stilton series?

#10. How do Geronimo, Benjamin, Thea, and Trap survive the sinking of the ship?

#11. What are the two main things Geronimo’s sister, Thea Stilton that Geronimo finds disturbing?

#12. What is the name of Geronimo’s spooky friend?

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