Here are some interesting riddles to flex your brain-power.
Riddles #2
Brought to you by Kendriya Vidyalaya Adoor Library
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Riddles #2
Brought to you by Kendriya Vidyalaya Adoor Library
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#1. No sooner spoken than broken. What is it?
#2. Which letter of the alphabet has most water?
#3. 6 was afraid of 7 because
7 “ate” 9
#4. The more there is, the less you see.
#5. I am an odd number. Take away one letter, and I become even. What number am I?
Seven (remove the “S” and it becomes even).
#6. I have keys but open no locks. I have space but no room. You can enter, but you can’t go inside. What am I?
#7. What type of house weighs the least?
#8. If you have it, you want to share it. If you share it, you don’t have it. What is it?
#9. The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it. What is it?
#10. Give me a drink, and I will die. Feed me, and I’ll get bigger. What am I?
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