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Spelling Challenge Quiz #1

Even the best of us can be confused by the spelling of some commonly misspelt words. Here is a quiz which challenges you to find the correct spelling of a few such words.



Spelling Challenge Quiz

Brought to you by Kendriya Vidyalaya Adoor Library

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Spelling Challenge Quiz

Brought to you by Kendriya Vidyalaya Adoor Library

Nice try

#1. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#2. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#3. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#4. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#5. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#6. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#7. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#8. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#9. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#10. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#11. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#12. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#13. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#14. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

#15. Pick out the correct spelling for this word.

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