True or False Quiz #2
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True or False Quiz #2
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#1. Indira Gandhi was Mahatma Gandhi’s niece.
Indira’s father was a close associate of Mahatma Gandhi. However, the fact that Indira ended up with the same last name as the iconic Indian leader wasn’t due to a connection with the Mahatma; instead, Indira became Indira Gandhi following her marriage to Feroze Gandhi (who wasn’t related to the Mahatma).

#2. Ferdinand Magellan did not complete the circumnavigation of the globe.
Magellan is often cited as the first explorer to have circumnavigated the globe, but this is not technically true. While he organized the voyage and negotiated the treacherous South American strait and the crossing of the Pacific, Magellan was killed before the mission ever reached the Spice Islands.

#3. An octopus has three hearts.
Octopuses have three hearts, which is partly a consequence of having blue blood. Their two peripheral hearts pump blood through the gills, where it picks up oxygen. A central heart then circulates the oxygenated blood to the rest of the body to provide energy for organs and muscles.

#4. Neeraj Chopra is the first Indian to win an individual Olympic gold medal.
Neeraj Chopra is the second Indian to win an individual Olympic gold medal after Abhinav Bindra, who won the gold medal in the men’s 10 m air rifle in the 2008 Summer Olympics.

#5. Neptune is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system.
Jupiter is the fastest spinning planet in the solar system. It only takes about 10 hours to complete a full rotation on its axis. Neptune takes 16 hours.

#6. A lion’s roar can be heard up to eight kilometres away.
You can hear a lion’s roar from up to five miles (8 km) away. While both female and male lions roar, it is typically the male’s roar that is loudest and travels the farthest. Lions roar as a means of communication with other lions.

#7. Stephen Hawking declined a knighthood from the Queen.
The eminent physicist was awarded a knighthood in the ’90s, but he respectfully declined. He said that he couldn’t possibly accept the honor due to the government’s lack of funding for the sciences.

#8. Tipu Sultan used missiles in the wars he fought.
Tipu Sultan pioneered the legendary Mysore missile, having taken the innovation of his father several steps beyond anything the East India Company had seen at the time: The missiles were capable of a range of up to 2 km.
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#9. ‘A’ is the most commonly used letter in English.
The most commonly used letter in English is ‘E’.

#10. The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland.
Yes, it’s true. The unicorn really is the official national animal of Scotland. It is a legendary creature that has been described since antiquity as a beast with a single large, pointed, spiraling horn projecting from its forehead. In Celtic mythology the unicorn was a symbol of purity and innocence, as well as masculinity and power.
It was an amazing quiz.It was really informative.Thank you madam for providing us these informative quizzes.
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It is really interesting and informative quiz.
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NAME : Aarushi Edadasari
MARKS : 9/10
Amarnath Ramesh
Class 8
A Netra
class 8
Sir, it was a nice quiz
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This quiz is very interesting. I got to learn new and amazing things. I got 10/10
Sreelakshmi P M
This is a Very Nice Quiz….
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It was very interesting.
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Amanya S Nair
Nice quiz
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Sir in first time I got only 4 mark and when I was filling the comment I got out of the site and I come and do the quiz again then I got 9 mark
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