Wimpy Kid Quiz
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Wimpy Kid Quiz
Brought to you by Kendriya Vidyalaya Adoor Library
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#1. What kind of music does Rodrick listen to
#2. What did Rowley say that embarassed and annoyed Greg?
#3. How did Rowley break his hand?
#4. Who Greg’s Best Friend?
#5. What did the kid who played toto in the wizard of oz do?
#6. How do you protect yourself from the cheese touch?
#7. How did Greg’s parents react when Manny drew on Greg’s bedroom door?
#8. What is the name of Rodrick’s Band?
#9. What does Fregley say when he has to use the bathroom?
#10. Why did Greg flunk the quiz?
#11. What embarrassing nickname does Manny call Greg?
#12. Why did Greg have to go to the emergency room when he was little?
#13. What game did Greg want, but didn’t get for christmas?
#14. What does Greg put on Gammie’s chair at Thanksgiving?
#15. When should the people who find Greg and Rowley’s time-capsule shoe box open it?
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I got full marks in the quiz.
Sir I got 15/15
Wimpy kid quiz i completed
The quiz